Tuesday 8 May 2012


Madonna’s right. This is a material world. Don’t get me wrong. I am not materialistic. But I have to warn you though. Like every other bearer of the XX gametes, I am a girl. Just like how boys drool over writhing girls in skimpy bikinis and sessile naked ones printed on those calendars of alcoholic drinks, girls also die to caress the 6-pack leather work of designer bags, go all the way standing and walking in sexy killer heels and scream in delight for the perfectly cut dresses, blouses, tops and bottoms. Not to mention the extra added pleasure that the fanciest blings bring. Oh, what joy! Pity those who think that the life of skirts is boring. 

It’s soooo like,, totally, like,, NOT!

While walking home, mama said something about a skirt that she wants me to have. When we arrived home, I was so excited to see it and give it a “dress rehearsal” quality time. Right after I saw the skirt, ideas flooded almost immediately. Oh, these shoes would be nice with this, and that blouse would totally make the most wonderful frosting for this delectable sweet delight. And the blings of course! Never forget the cherries on top. After about 30 minutes, the result of this rather strong urge to pleasure myself is this:

This top, well, UK. Youknowwhatthatmeanssonoexplaininganymore,OK.

This skirt, practically also UK. From the US. It’s label said it’s Made in India. It’s from the balikbayan box my uncle sent a few years back.  It was his first, and probably his last. Maybe it’s to pay for all the troubles my Papa went through when he willed to search for him. (*Insert family-drama-worthy-background-music here). But thanks anyway for this, Uncle. Our family members reading this, and also my readers (hello to you, few pilgrims! Hahaha!) would remember you by as the Guy Who Unknowingly Gave His Niece A Nice Skirt That Made Her Pretty. Whew! That’s long! Now I’m having doubts about that remembering you by part. J hahaha!

The shoes, Parisian by SM. Fancy and function for less. Good thing I know their shoes aren’t made of pine tress. This give them a ceasefire for any atrocities from me whatsoever with their heartless treeless policy in Baguio. So Kudos… NOT to them but to their shoemakers! Hurray! Hahaha!

The bag. SO NOT UK! It’s a gift for my mother from my cousin Jean. Oh yes! This is the 6-pack leather work I am talking about! Oh…. Oh… OK. Stop. Let’s keep this PG 13. Lalalalala… J
The blings (except for the necklace). This I can advertise. It’s from Ate Nicci’s (pronounced as Ni.kis) shop, Strut. It’s a no nonsense online shop you guys. Her arsenal of prettifying accessories will transform you from being an Untouchable to an all around singing and dancing Bollywood Superstar! So what are you waiting for! Check it out now! J

I know I am not an authority to anything fashionable. I would like to apologize if this may seem just nonsensical to the true people of high fashion. I talk as if these are designer items worth writing about.
(In hushed tones, let’s keep the bag which casts a silhouette of sturdy biceps away from this. It is what it is.)
Taking pride in them as if their price tags say “kaching!” seem to be out of place. Well I guess I am just happy that I am contented with what I have. I make do with what is with me as of the moment. Of course I want more! Who doesn’t! 

But right now, I’m happy that even if I seem to be dressed in rags, I could still pull of a look that is worthy of being given the sparkling glass slippers.

Beauty really, is not in the layers of make-up you wear, nor in the expensive clothes or shoes. No matter how much we register when we get hit by that red laser light of everyday living, outside the grocery store we are all the same. We’re commodities ready to be consumed by the unforgiving world. What’s the use of the expensive price tag when you are just practically empty on the inside? Let’s take good care of our customers. When they chose to click that Add to Cart button beneath our names, they expect a return of investment. They expect the best. They paid for us with a part of themselves. This entitles us to be products of good quality. Not perfect, but good.

 Not just pretty, but beautiful.