Saturday 29 October 2011


I can't believe it. I actually got 44 page views as of yesterday. Wow. Am I overwhelmed, or am I overwhelmed?!! I think I actually have something going on in here. Will work on this blog's lay-out and its contents more, if I have some time so that everybody could just be easy, breezy, reader-people. :)

Gotta recharge first for some bad-ass word dumping later. Ciao, tomodachis. :) 

Friday 28 October 2011

Me to my Soul, My SOul to You, my Soul to Me, and Vice Versa.. Or Whatever

Hiyah there, friends, family, and future additions to my TomodachiDex! (I have been addicting myself with the Pokemon RPG's lately so please do spare me) Well what do you know, I am compelled again to maintain a blog. I do hope that this would not be another one of my futile attempts to actually and really, really write. I wish to make this permanent and a staple for those of you who, for whatever reasons, have been captivated by the spell of my words and who believe that The Vespiqueen could actually entertain you. wink! :)

I was reading some of my occasional doodles a few hours ago, and I was smiling. I felt good. I felt as light as the diatomic molecule of hydrogen gas (as if I know the in depth feelings of the first element in the Periodic Table. ahaha!). So I realized, after reading His Royal Greatness Bo Sanchez's book, How to Know If Your Dream Is God's Dream that this, this wordsmithing is the dream of my soul. Darn it. I spent more than seven years in college accomplishing something that my soul has no idea what the hell am I doing. But still what's done is done, and those extra years certainly did not go to waste. I learned my toughest lessons along the  unpaved path I chose to travel. Now I am good.

So enough said. This shall be the mosaic of the world as The VespiQueen sees it. I hope to paint vivid pictures of living and of life using these words, glorious words. Just don't take this literally because I am not that type of artist. :)

'Til my next word dumping. :) Great Day Everybody! *ishmayel*